Monday, May 4, 2009

WOW...been busy

Well it's been 2 weeks since I've "blogged"...I have been SLAMMED at work and then of course at home.

Being back at work has been nice. I've been busy so my days go by really fast (for the most part). Although at times I really wish I could just stay home with my little man! Maybe some day but right now we are so blessed to be able to have my dad watch him. My dad is having a blast with's so sweet.

You know...I find myself looking at Kaydon in disbelief...that this little guy is my son. WHOA. He is a blessing. He's the best gift I've ever received and I am so thankful to God for giving him to me and Karsten. I look at Kaydon and just want to cry...tear of joy of course. I can't remember life before him and I can't imagine life without him.

I look at him and see how fast he's grown...I can't believe it! They DO grow so fast! I love him more and more each day. And you know what...I love Karsten more and more each day. Seeing how Kaydon has changed Karsten is amazing. Karsten has always been a big teddy bear...but he just melts when he's with Kaydon, he's an awesome daddy. It's so sweet...I'm falling in love with him all over again...more than ever!

Kaydon will be 2 months old on wednesday...and we have his 2 month old well check...which includes shots :-( I hope I can handle it and not cry!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Back to work

WOW...time flies by fast when you are having fun!

So I am back at work today and it's actually been great. The day has gone by fast so I haven't had time to sit and worry or wonder if Kaydon is being on his best behavior for his Poppy! Haha. I am so blessed to have my dad watch him for me. I don't know what I'd do without him! But he does know that if it ever gets to be too much that he doesn't have to continue to help out...I'm sure I could find someone else to watch him...that I trust! But I look forward to seeing Kaydon and my dad have a very close relationship because of this.

Kaydon was dedicated this past weekend. It was a great moment. We had tons of family there to witness and who were there to stand in agreement with us and help us be accountable in raising Kaydon up in the ways of that when he grows older he will not part from it! I absolutely love family!

Kaydon is growing tons! He smiled at Karsten a few times yesterday and we got them on camera. He smiled at me this morning a few times too. He is just the cutest! Continue to check out my picasa for updated pics!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Like a weed

Kaydon seems to be growing like a weed. Looking at pictures from when he was born and then just a little over three weeks later...he's grown so much!

Sleeping at night is getting better...but usually when I have a good's followed by a not so good night. We'll figure it out soon...I hope! HA. He is very alert...he's been pretty alert since he was born but now he's actually focusing in on you when you look at him and talk to him. He lifts his head and holds it up all the time. Strong little boy! He absolutely LOVES to stretch...and when he stretches he grunts and makes crazy noises...too cute. He's a very loud eater...I don't think I'd ever be able to feed him in church or in a quiet place...all eyes would be on us! HA. He chows down like he's never eaten before...still a porker!

Anywho...nothing else new at this point...he's just a great little man...we are so blessed.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

He's a porker!!

So...Friday was Kaydon's 2 week dr. appointment. You will not believe how much my little man weighs! So he was born at 7lbs. 3oz...left the hospital weighing 6lbs. 13oz...then when we went to the doc last week he weighed the same (6...13...)...well he now weighs 8lbs. 8oz!!!! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT...after just 2 weeks of being born - he has gained almost 24 oz! The doctor said "well I guess I don't need to ask if he's eating well!" He definitely eats well that is for sure! I'm afraid I won't be able to keep up with him but I will definitely try! Supplementation might have to happen after a while! HA.'s a picture of my little porker...the first time in the swing...

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Almost 2 weeks old!

So tomorrow, Kaydon will be 2 weeks old!! I can't believe how fast the past few weeks have gone. He's changed so much. His cheeks are chubbier...he's starting to smile. He's a porker that's for sure! I love him so much! Things have been great. I'm getting used to not sleeping long hours during the night. It's getting better!

I don't know what else to say at this point! Keep checking my picasa album for recent pictures!!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

So good!

It's day 6 since Kaydon's arrival and I couldn't be happier. He's such a calm and sweet baby! Eat, sleep, poop...that's about it! The only time he gets fussy is when he's hungry...needs a diaper change...or is disturbed while he's in deep sleep :-) We've made several trips out of the house and he does great in the car seat and car.

Last night was by far the best night since being home...and I know it will continue to get better! I actually got sleep last night! We are all adjusting and it's been a wonderful experience.

Karsten has been a great daddy. He's there to help whenever and wherever. He hates putting Kaydon down after he falls asleep on his chest. So most of the day is spent with Kaydon on daddy's chest. It's the sweetest thing. I knew he'd make a great dad. He's just in awe of this little miracle that God blessed us with. We are both in awe.

Anywho! There's an update :-)

Monday, March 9, 2009

Kaydon Elijah Vieregge - 3/6/09

Well..he's here!
We went into the hospital Thursday night at 7pm. Had the cervadil put in to help me dilate and thin out..but then an hour or so later around 11:15 my water broke! So they had to take the cervadil out. Contractions were a booger. OUCHIE!! I ended up having a really bad one and threw up after it (nice right). So the nurse came in and asked me why I waiting on pain meds (they knew I wanted the epi). I was one has said anything about them but I'll take them now...hello! So she checked to see what I was dilated to and I was at 3cm, enough for the epi! So around 3am I got the epidural and was in HEAVEN! I woke up Friday morning and they checked me, was at 5cm...They ended up still giving me pitocin around 8 or 9am Friday morning to make the contractions get closer together. I reached 10cm by 11am or so on Friday morning....and had to wait a bit for the baby to move down farther. I started pushing at 1:30 and had Kaydon at 2:26!!

The delivery was amazing, painless, and easy. I was up walking friday night...after the numbness went has all been great.

Kaydon was born at 2:26pm on Friday 3/6/09

He was 7lbs 3oz and 20 1/2 inches long.

He's beautiful and perfect in every way. We are so blessed.

Now we are just getting used to life with a baby...the first night at home was rough, not getting sleep and all...but hopefully tonight will be just a bit better! I am optimistic :-)

Check out some pics from his birthday and the few days we stayed in the hospital after.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

I am being induced!

So I had my dr. appointment today. Karsten and I got there a little before 10:30, checked in, waited, and then got called back to do the non-stress test. They wrapped a monitor around me that monitored Kaydon's heartbeat and then another one that monitored any contractions I may have had. I was supposed to push a button every time I felt him move. That went on for about 45 minutes or more! Then I went to have an ultrasound...found out Kaydon is about 8 lbs! I told them he'd be big! Then I went in for my checkup...The first thing she said was, well this baby is on the big side. I was like YEP HELLO DUH. So she said we had two options, to wait it out (I said NO) or to induce (I said SIGN ME UP). She then checked me and I still had not dilated one bit. So I will be going in Thursday night at 7pm to have something put in my cervix to help it start to thin out and dilate. Then Friday morning the doc will come in to start the pitocin. So sometime Friday I will have this baby! WOOHOO. I'm so stinkin excited now! The "wonder" is gone and I can now look forward to the next phase. Now, he may come before then still...but I'm thinking he won't with the way things have been going.

Anywho...I'll be at Seton Northwest, 2nd floor in labor and delivery. Will let ya'll know when the little toot arrives!!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Due day has come and gone...

...and I am still pregnant! This little toot, I swear, he must really like it in the belly! But there is SO MUCH MORE to offer him on the outside :-) I know change is hard...but come on little many people are ready to meet you!

I have a doctor appointment in the morning at 10:30. I'll have a checkup, ultrasound and a non-stress test. We'll see what everything comes up with.

Will keep everyone updated!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

39 week check up

Well...I am sad to say...there was no change since last week! I am so frustrated! I know I'm not due till Monday...but seriously, I figured I'd at least be SOMEWHERE by now! But each woman is different...each pregnancy is different. I know I know. I just really am ready to be done with this stage and into the next chapter! That being having Kaydon in my arms! My doctor won't consider inducing until I'm 42 weeks pregnant (you know - that's 10 1/2 months!). Unless of course the baby needs to come out due to whatever. So if I don't go "bingo" (as my mother-n-law says) by Monday, I have scheduled another doctor appointment on Tuesday the 3rd with an ultrasound and a non-stress test. I guess to check to make sure everything is still OK for the baby to continue to be in my belly. Why can't we just have the right to say, get it out's time...I'm paying do as I say! UGH.

Please pray for me and pray that I go BINGO by Monday! I am seriously losing my patience :-) I was a basket case this morning...I am just ready to be done!! Time for the next thing!!!

5 days and counting...Kaydon has 5 days!! I hope and pray and hope he comes soon!

Monday, February 23, 2009

1 week left!!

Well...7 days from today is my official due date. And at this point, I'm not sure he's gonna be on time. I could be very wrong...and I hope I am! I am so ready to meet my son...I am so ready to not have this big bump and to be able to sleep on my tummy (when I get sleep that is!). The time with Kaydon in my belly has been amazing and a once in a lifetime experience...but now I'm anxious and ready to have him in the outside world!

My next doctor's appointment is Wednesday morning. I get another one of those friendly exams and I hope something will have changed in the past week! I have a few more days to make something happen! haha. What to do....hmmmmm

Well anywho...I'll post another update after my doctor's appointment on Wednesday!

In the mean time, take a look at some "preggo" pics Karsten and I had done by a friend of ours at church, Adrian Gutierrez. They are amazing!

Talk to you soon!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

38 weeks

Well...I'm not dilated one bit...well she said "oh about a fingertip". Which is essentially nothing! I was so upset and frustrated. She did say she thinks I'll be somewhere next week, so I plan on doing everything I can in my power in the next week to get dilated! I don't want to go past my due date and I don't want to have a big baby!

Anywho...I'm just anxious and ready to meet this little guy. Soon I hope...soon.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

37 weeks

Well...we are now considered FULL TERM! Which means...all he's doing in there is gaining weight (well both of us are!) and that also means that he could, in reality, come at any time and it'd be OK :-)
Doctor's appointment today was routine and of course everything was A O K :-) Next week I'll start getting checked to see if I am dilating any and if my cervix is starting to thin out. FUN...I hear only good things about those checks...(rolling my eyes!).

All I can say right now is that I'm exhausted. For the past two nights I have not been able to fall asleep. I am extremely tired, but I can't doze off...nothing helps. I'm tossing and turning all night, so uncomfortable no matter how I am laying down...And I've been having major hot flashes since Sunday! I'm hoping that it's a sign of my hormones changing and getting my body ready for labor...wishful thinking I'm sure.

Only 2 1/2 weeks to go till my due date and I'm still praying he'll come early! Lord, hear my cries!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Well today was my 36 week check-up and when my doc asked me if there was anything I'd like to find out today (other than how much weight I big my gut got...etc.) I said "CAN WE PLEASE GET A GUESTIMATE OF HOW MUCH HE WEIGHS!!" She said...sure! She felt around for his head...down there where it should be...then found his bum...which I have no problem finding myself since that is usually what give me the aches and pains when he stretches...and then she said, "I am guessing this baby is around 5 1/2 pounds, which at full term would put him at 7 or 7 1/2 pounds, which is a good size for you. Anything bigger would be tough." Can you say...RELIEVED! I swear he feels HUGE in there, and I know he's crammed, which is probably why I feel like he's huge. Hee hee. Anywho. Everything else is, of course, right on track! Right now we are just playing the "weighting game"...I mean the waiting game! All that both of us are doing in these last 3 1/2 weeks are gaining weight! Continue to pray with me that he will come at least one week early...but no later than March 2nd! I'm believing it!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

9 months!!

Hello friends and family!

So tomorrow (Monday 2/2/09), I will be 36 weeks...starting my 9th month! I can't believe I'm already to this part in my pregnancy...but I am SO HAPPY that I am :-) I'm ready for this little man to get here already! I think today was my first really uncomfortable day. Today Karsten and I went to church and lunch with my parents (it's their 25th wedding anniversary) and my gut looked HUGE this morning. Kaydon is usually all up on my right side, but he was smack dab in the middle this morning. I was very gut was hard off and on...not sure if I was experiencing braxton hicks contractions or wasn't the greatest feeling. Then during church he got back to his normal spot on the right side of my belly and chilled out for a bit. We went to lunch and I could barely fit my gut in a booth! WOW...that was the first time that has happened! So sad, haha.

Karsten and I also went to IKEA to get a couple of dressers to use in Kaydon's room. Rather than buying a changing table and a dresser of some sort, I decided it'd be smart, cheaper and well smart (ha) to just get a couple of dressers that he can grow up using. Thanks to my n-laws we were able to get 2 dressers and they look great in Kaydon's room. Karsten and I put them together in under 2 hours...Karsten did get a booboo though - he smashed his finger with the hammer :-( Hard enough to bleed.

Throughout the whole day, I on and off again felt uncomfortable. Kaydon must have had a growth spurt today or he just felt like stretching all day long :-) No break whatsoever! Wednesday is my next dr. appointment and I am PRAYING the doc will be able to tell me how big he is. I swear the poor thing is really out of room in there! With my short torso, it's got to be tight. are a few pictures.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

What an AWESOME baby shower I had...

...what can I say? This baby shower went off without a hitch! It was truly amazing and I am still excited about it, even though it's been over and done with for many hours now! My friends Stephanie, Glynnis, Erin, Jacquelyn and their mama's really went over and above what I could have ever dreamed of. Just amazing! I really was blessed with tons of gifts. I came home and started going thru everything to try and get organized and realized that we really got a lot! Now I just have to find a place for it! Ha. I received tons of gift cards, so I believe I will be able to purchase the crib and dresser/changer online this coming week...I know Karsten is looking forward to putting them together! ha. There's just so much to be thankful for that I am at a loss for words. I love all of my friends and family. And I'm glad those who were able to come, did come, so they could celebrate this exciting time with me. Here are some pictures...but there will also be a link at the bottom to all of them!

Love you all!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Can't wait!

Tomorrow is my baby shower...and I simply can't wait...

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

All is STILL well...34 weeks

Had another appointment this morning...seems to be my life every other Wednesday! I only gained 3 pounds in the last two weeks...woohoo! So that puts me at 10 lbs. over my start weight. Not bad...not bad. My gut grew like 3 inches - EEK! My blood pressure is still awesome (I was always worried that it would be bad becaues it wasn't the greatest before pregnancy...but pregnancy has really done wonders for my body! Well besides the getting bigger thing). Kaydon's heartbeat is the cutest! I love listening to it. What a strong little man! God is truly think that He created us, and created women the way he did to where another human being could be formed in her womb...I think when a woman gets the opportunity to go thru this "journey" you really do realize how great God is. Not that I never realized it before, but it's just from a different angle. I have been SO thankful for a carefree, uneventful pregnancy. I was created for this...something that I always dreamed of doing was having a child and raising them in the ways of the Lord. Just as my parents did, and their parents did, and so on. It's a family legacy that I plan on carrying forward...moving forward...that song is just now playing on my computer while I type this...YOU MAKE ALL THINGS NEW AND YOU MAKE ALL THINGS NEW YES YOU MAKE ALL THINGS NEW...Moving forward! It's me and Karsten's time to move foward with what God has given us and raise this child in a loving Christian home. Seems like a big task! But we both realize we can't do it alone...we will definitely be leaning on Jesus and each other and looking to our families for support.

Wow, I didn't start this entry thinking I was really going to "journal" but it just happened. I guess it was on my heart.

My shower is this weekend and I can't wait! People will be coming that I haven't seen in a long will be nice! I am so blessed to have the friends and family I have. Truly blessed.

Anywho...that's enough...gotta get back to work!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Thursday, January 15, 2009

3D Ultrasound - SO COOL!!

So I just got back from having the 3D ultrasound. What an experience! Kaydon didn't want his "picture" taken for sure! At the start, he was completely faced towards my back. So I rolled around side to side a bit...jiggled my belly...and he eventually turned a little bit. So all the pictures we got were of his profile. Which is just fine! I can still see what he will somewhat look like when he's here in my arms! He's got my nose and looks like he has Karsten's forehead and eyebrow bone structure. He's chunky though! Really chunky cheeks and a double chin...we are going on a diet little dude! Haha. Just kidding. Well...maybe.

I just can't wait till the little guy is here...these pictures will hold me over for a second...but not for long!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I'm so excited!

So I just scheduled to have a 3D ultrasound done TOMORROW at 3pm. I can't wait. I really REALLY can't wait. Karsten is of course going to go with me and then my parents want to go as well. I'll post the pictures once I get them. I can't wait to see what this little man looks like...just the slightest glimpse of what he is going to look like when he's out of my belly is going to be breathtaking I'm sure!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Working on Kaydon's Room

Today Karsten traced on the wall the longhorn we picked to have in Kaydon's room. We were going to go with a more "baby-ish" Bevo (the one that is on my shower invites)...but we saw this one in a store on a little t-shirt and loved it! So I went and found it online. I can't wait to start painting it - will be this week sometime...I hope! Then all I need are the longhorn curtains, furniture...and the baby! WOOHOO.

Friday, January 9, 2009

I can't believe it... yesterday when I got home from work, I went to change into some capris and a shirt (it was hot yesterday!). Well the capris that I put on...which happened to be the last pair of normal "non-pregnancy" pants I had left that fit - DIDN"T FIT!! They wouldn't even come close to zipping and/or buttoning. I just wore these on Monday! As in 5 days ago. No wonder my stomach was a lot more uncomfortable this was growing...big time. I am so bummed though because those were frankly my most comfortable pair of pants that I'd put on if I didn't want to wear regular long jeans. I still wore them last night to my little cousin's bday party at gattiland - I just didn't have them zipped or buttoned. My shirt had a tight band at the bottom of it that helped keep them up. Pregnancy woes...haha. The end...

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Things look good...of course

So I had another doctor's appointment this morning. All is well!! OF COURSE! I put on about 5 pounds in the past 2 weeks (but remember it was CHRISTMAS!!! and NEW YEARS!!). Weight overall is still good though. I've only put on a total of 7 pounds from my starting weight - so that is pretty darn good if you think about it :-) My nurse and doctor both asked if they could clone me today so that all of their patients were as easy and problem free as I was. My blood pressure remains to be good and my urine continues to show no signs of whatever they are looking for (too much protein or something). My gut continues to grow and be right on track...and Kaydon's heartbeat is as strong as ever. I just love listening to his heartbeat! I asked the doctor when we'd be able to tell how big he is and she said that usually around 36 or 37 weeks she's able to get her hands around him and tell how big he I'm counting down...3 1/2 weeks till then! I have 2 more biweekly appointments and then it goes to every week...WOW...reality check! I'm about to have a baby. BRING IT ON!!!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

It's getting close

So I decided to start this blog spot for all my friends and family around the world. I will use this spot to keep everyone updated with life but mostly baby news. If you know me, you know that I like to keep people in the loop...and I LOVE to share photos. So once the little guy is here, there will be lots of updates and lots of photos!

I'll be 32 weeks tomorrow, January 5th...which means I'll be starting my 8th month. I've been going to the doctor now for the past few months every two stinkin weeks...that's right, every two (2) weeks! All they do is weigh me (ugh), measure how big my gut is getting...and listen to his heartbeat. Which is my most favorite thing of all. I'm hoping here soon, I'll have another ultrasound...frankly, I'd like to know how big he is! With Karsten as big as he is...and how big he was when he was born (God bless you Linda!) I'd like to know what I'm dealing with here! He feels huge already! His kicks and nudges are getting harder and stronger. I was brought to tears a few times this past he had saved up all his energy and gave me a big headbutt or kick. Karsten says "yeah that's my boy!"

We can't wait for the little guy to get here. The baby shower is coming up on January 24th and I am very much looking forward to filling up his room with "stuff." I spent part of my vacation painting his room (yes I painted...don't freak out). The theme is nothing other than Texas Longhorns...Karsten is very excited about that.


Enjoy these photos...Not sure how much I'll be "blogging" but check back here frequently! Especially after the little guy gets here.

Love to all!

Karsten and I on Christmas Eve

8 Months

Kaydon's Room (Phase 1)