Monday, May 4, 2009

WOW...been busy

Well it's been 2 weeks since I've "blogged"...I have been SLAMMED at work and then of course at home.

Being back at work has been nice. I've been busy so my days go by really fast (for the most part). Although at times I really wish I could just stay home with my little man! Maybe some day but right now we are so blessed to be able to have my dad watch him. My dad is having a blast with's so sweet.

You know...I find myself looking at Kaydon in disbelief...that this little guy is my son. WHOA. He is a blessing. He's the best gift I've ever received and I am so thankful to God for giving him to me and Karsten. I look at Kaydon and just want to cry...tear of joy of course. I can't remember life before him and I can't imagine life without him.

I look at him and see how fast he's grown...I can't believe it! They DO grow so fast! I love him more and more each day. And you know what...I love Karsten more and more each day. Seeing how Kaydon has changed Karsten is amazing. Karsten has always been a big teddy bear...but he just melts when he's with Kaydon, he's an awesome daddy. It's so sweet...I'm falling in love with him all over again...more than ever!

Kaydon will be 2 months old on wednesday...and we have his 2 month old well check...which includes shots :-( I hope I can handle it and not cry!